新唐科技和 Altia 宣佈合作,提供下一代物聯網和智慧家居設備嵌入式 GUI 解決方案

台灣新竹,2023 9 7 – 微控制器領導廠商新唐科技與 Altia,面向生產嵌入式顯示的圖形化使用者介面(GUI)開發解決方案的領先供應商宣佈,Altia生成的圖形代碼已在新唐科技的MPU NUC980上運行。Altia和新唐科技的客戶現在可以考慮將這強大的技術組合用於其下一代嵌入式設備。 


新唐科技表示:「我們期待與Altia合作,為設計物聯網和智慧家居應用程式的客戶提供專案支援。Altia的行業標準解決方案將使我們的客戶能夠在類似於新唐科技MPU NUC980的硬體上提供功能強大的嵌入式GUI和豐富的用戶體驗。新唐科技表示,Altia和新唐科技將共同提供成本效益高的嵌入式解決方案,結合經過充分測試的硬體和軟體,使客戶能夠快速上市。」 

Altia產品行銷總監Jeff Urkevich表示:「Altia非常適合與新唐科技MPU NUC980等代碼生成解決方案合作。通過強大的功能來最大化GUI性能,以及精心設計的代碼生成器產生高度優化的代碼,Altia能夠在晶片上實現最小的記憶體佔用和最快的執行速度。」 

了解更多有關Altia的資訊並下載適用於新唐科技MPU NUC980的Altia GUI示範,請參考下列網址。

Demo offer pageNuMaker-IIoT-NUC980G2D - Nuvoton




*註:Nuvoton 及 NuMicro 為新唐科技股份有限公司(Nuvoton Technology Corp.)的註冊商標,本文涉及的其他商標及著作等權利,皆歸屬於其原所有權人。

Carol Chang
Microcontroller Digital Marketing Deputy Director
+886-3-5770066 ext. 23123


About Altia

Altia is a software company that provides graphical user interface design and development tools that can be used from concept to final production code. Our GUI editor, Altia Design, offers development teams the capability to implement a model-based development process enabling clear team communication and accelerated user interface development. Our code generator, Altia DeepScreen, supports a vast range of low- to high-powered processors from a variety of industry-leading silicon providers. Altia generates pure C source code that is optimized to take full advantage of hardware resources. Graphics code generated by Altia is driving millions of displays worldwide – from automotive instrument clusters, HUDs and radios to thermostats, washing machines and medical devices.

Our mission is to get the best automotive, medical and consumer interfaces into production in the shortest time on the lowest cost hardware.

Altia was founded in 1991. Its customers include automotive OEMs and Tier 1s like Continental Automotive, Denso, Stellantis, Ford Motor Company, General Motors, Honda, Renault, Magneti Marelli, Nippon Seiki, Valeo, Visteon and more – plus leading consumer device manufacturers like Electrolux, Whirlpool, NordicTrack and many others.

For more information about Altia, visit www.altia.com or email info@altia.com.

Follow Altia on LinkedIn, Twitter and YouTube.
