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제품  기타  Watch time - 4:32
USB4的傳輸速度是傳統 USB 3.2 的兩倍,但是需要解決訊號品質下降和顯著的傳輸損耗等問題,而造成客戶供應鏈(包括開發、制造、采購和維護)等總成本的增加。本視頻介紹了新唐科技日本爲解決這些問題而開發的Re-Timer IC。 #numicro #Nuvoton #NuMicro #Microcontroller #MCU #zh-Hant #USB #Re-Timer #Interface #PC #Cable #VR #Computer peripherals #General #Product #Others #KM864741 #KM864742 #重定時器 #線纜 - 更多產品資訊,請至新唐科技網站 購買管道: 聯絡我們
제품  기타  Watch time - 1:25
USB4的傳輸速度是傳統 USB 3.2 的兩倍,但是需要解決訊號品質下降和顯著的傳輸損耗等問題,而造成客戶供應鏈(包括開發、制造、采購和維護)等總成本的增加。本視頻介紹了新唐科技日本爲解決這些問題而開發的Re-Timer IC。 #numicro #Nuvoton #NuMicro #Microcontroller #MCU #zh-Hant #USB #Re-Timer #Interface #PC #Cable #VR #Computer peripherals #General #Product #Others #KM864741 #KM864742 #重定時器 #線纜 - 更多產品資訊,請至新唐科技網站 購買管道: 聯絡我們
제품  기타  Watch time - 1:25
USB4, which has been twice as fast as conventional USB 3.2, requires solutions to various challenges such as signal quality degradation and increased costs across the value chain including customer development, manufacturing, procurement, and maintenance due to significant transmission loss. This video introduces Re-Timer IC that Nuvoton Technology Japan has developed to address these challenges. #numicro #Nuvoton #NuMicro #Microcontroller #MCU #en #USB #Re-Timer #Interface #PC #Cable #VR #Computer peripherals #General #Product #Others #KM864741 #KM864742 - For more information, please visit Nuvoton Technology Website: buy now: contact us:
제품  기타  Watch time - 4:32
USB4, which has been twice as fast as conventional USB 3.2, requires solutions to various challenges such as signal quality degradation and increased costs across the value chain including customer development, manufacturing, procurement, and maintenance due to significant transmission loss. This video introduces Re-Timer IC that Nuvoton Technology Japan has developed to address these challenges. #Nuvoton #NuMicro #Microcontroller #MCU #en #USB #Re-Timer #Interface #PC #Cable #VR #Computer peripherals #General #Product #Others #KM864741 #KM864742 - For more information, please visit Nuvoton Technology Website: buy now: contact us:
애플리케이션  세미나  Watch time - 1:30
Hi 大家好,我是 Henry,今天要為大家介紹的 DEMO 是VR/AR 解決方案,VR/AR 解決方案可以實現高達 5K 的超清顯示,以及高達 120Hz 的高刷新率,配合新唐 AHRS 演算法,能實現六自由度運動追蹤,獲得全面的 VR 體驗,此方案是基於 MIPI 轉換晶片KM86473D,經由 MCU M482 進行配置,可以選擇支援 HDMI 2.0或 DP 1.4 輸入,最高輸入頻寬可達每秒 32 Gbit,並且支援最多 4 組 MIPI DSI 輸出,最高輸出頻寬可達每秒 40 Gbit,在出廠前,KM86473D 會預燒 HDCP 金鑰可以支援 HDCP 1.4 與 2.3,並內置 VESA DSC 1.2a 編碼器,可以壓縮輸出頻寬,同時也內置了可實現四倍圖像放大的獨家演算法,新唐提供完整參考原理圖及 PCB 圖,協助各位快速實現硬體設計,同時提供完整的 MCU 參考程式碼便於進行客製化修改,以上就是此次 DEMO VR/AR 解決方案的介紹,我是 Henry。 #zh-Hant #Application #Seminar #General - 【2021 Roadshow專區】 精彩內容: - 更多產品資訊,請至新唐科技網站 購買管道: 聯絡我們