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培訓  學習  影片長度 - 11:47
This video will guide users to quickly start developing Nuvoton N9H30 series microcontroller in a non-OS environment, and will demonstrate a GUI design by SEGGER emWin AppWizard tool. This video also shows how to enter the debug mode with J-Link and deploy the AppWizard project to the NuMaker-HMI-N9H30 evaluation board by NuWriter. #emWinAppWizard #MPU #N9H #N9H30 #NonOS #HMI #GUIdesign #QuickStart #NuWriter #JLink #Debug #Basic #Training #Learning #en - For more information, please visit Nuvoton Technology Website: https://bit.ly/3hVdcmC buy now: https://direct.nuvoton.com/ contact us: SalesSupport@nuvoton.com
培訓  學習  影片長度 - 11:1
本影片將引導使用者快速建立 N9H30 non-OS 開發環境,並使用 SEGGER emWin AppWizard 工具進行 GUI 設計。同時也會介紹如何使用 J-Link 進入 Debug mode,且透過 NuWriter 將 AppWizard 專案部署到 NuMaker-HMI-N9H30 開發板執行。 #emWinAppWizard #MPU #N9H #N9H30 #Non-OS #HMI #GUIdesign #QuickStart #NuWriter #J-Link #Debug #Basic #Training #Learning #zh-Hant - 更多產品資訊,請至新唐科技網站 https://www.nuvoton.com/?utm_source=youtube&utm_medium=video&utm_campaign=all 購買管道:https://direct.nuvoton.com/tw 聯絡我們:SalesSupport@nuvoton.com