
AI Gesture Recognition

The NuMicro M55M1, equipped with an Arm® Cortex®-M55 CPU and Ethos-U55 NPU, is highly suitable for implementing advanced gesture recognition systems. This system can instantly recognize user gestures and accurately display the selected gestures on a TFT-LCD screen. The M55M1’s Cortex-M55 CPU and Ethos-U55 NPU support CNN and RNN operations, ensuring the efficiency and accuracy of gesture recognition. Additionally, it features a rich set of hardware interfaces and the NuEdgeWise Tool, which accelerates development and shortens product design cycles. This gesture recognition system can be widely applied in various scenarios such as human-machine interaction, smart home control, contactless operation, and security protection, providing developers with a stable AI inference platform.

  • Feature
    Supports TensorFlow Lite Micro architecture
    Compatible with CNN and RNN or LSTM
    Supports Parallel CMOS Sensor
    Supports TFT-LCD display with 480x272 resolution
    Utilizes NuEdgeWise Tool for training YOLOX-nano model
  • Specifications
    Cortex®-M55 220 MHz
    NPU Ethos-U55 220 MHz 256 MAC
    - Memory
      - 1.5 MB SRAM  
      - 2 MB Flash 
      - HpyerBus 
    - Connectivity  
      - Parallel Image Sensor, DMIC, USB, Ethernet, CAN-FD, I2C, I3C, SPI, ADC, SD  
  • System Block Diagram
Nuvoton_AI Gesture Recognition_EN