
Product Results:NUC505DSA, Matches
Keyword Results:NUC505DSA, 24 Matches

Häufig gestellte Fragen / What is the delay time of an audio source from the NuMicro® NUC505 MCU Line-in to a headphone out? What is the reason?

What is the delay time of an audio source from the NuMicro® NUC505 MCU Line-in to a headphone out? What is the reason? 1480399621803 When the audio source enters the NUC505 series microcontroller (MCU), the source will be converted by an internal ADC first for the NUC505 to process. Then the NUC505 will send a number of data based on user firmware settings. After the processing of DAC codec, the user can hear the audio source through a headphone. In the transmission process, in addition to using firmware to set the delay for the amount of time to transfer data, the ADC and DAC conversion of the Codec also cause delay. The delay time varies with different sampling frequencies. Also, the delay time is proportional to the sampling frequency. During Codec ADC and DAC conversions, at a sampling frequency of 8000 Hz, a total of about 6ms of delay is generated; at 48000 Hz, a total of about 1ms of delay is generated; the remaining sampling frequency delay time can be scaled.

Häufig gestellte Fragen / What is the encryption function in the NUC505 series? How to use it? How to use the Disable Cipher function of the ICP tool? Is there any relationship between the Disable Cipher function and MTP?

What is the encryption function in the NUC505 series? How to use it? How to use the Disable Cipher function of the ICP tool? Is there any relationship between the Disable Cipher function and MTP? 1480414195818 As the NUC505 series uses SPI Flash, anyone can get code in Flash simply through the SPI interface. Thus, the NUC505 provides an encryption mechanism to protect the SPI Flash internal code to prevent data from being stolen. The NUC505 uses MTP (Multiple-Time Programmable) memory to set the encryption key. The process is shown in Figure 1. The encryption key (or data) is encrypted with the key, and the incorrect key cannot be used to read the correct data from the SPI Flash. When the MTP function is enabled, the CPU accessed data is automatically decoded by the MTP key, so unencrypted code cannot be executed. Note: A total of 15 keys can be re-programmed by MTP In the same chip. Figure 1 MTP Encryption Process The MTP encryption function can be enabled by using the ICP tool.

M0516LDE / Schematic, PCB and Gerber file

/resource-files/ NuMicro OrCAD Library HL0120160811105903

M0516LDE / Schematic, PCB and Gerber file

/resource-files/ NuMicro Protel Schematic Library HL0120160811233001

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