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培訓  學習  影片長度 - 11:1
本影片將引導使用者快速建立 N9H30 non-OS 開發環境,並使用 SEGGER emWin AppWizard 工具進行 GUI 設計。同時也會介紹如何使用 J-Link 進入 Debug mode,且透過 NuWriter 將 AppWizard 專案部署到 NuMaker-HMI-N9H30 開發板執行。 #emWinAppWizard #MPU #N9H #N9H30 #Non-OS #HMI #GUIdesign #QuickStart #NuWriter #J-Link #Debug #Basic #Training #Learning #zh-Hant - 更多產品資訊,請至新唐科技網站 https://www.nuvoton.com/?utm_source=youtube&utm_medium=video&utm_campaign=all 購買管道:https://direct.nuvoton.com/tw 聯絡我們:SalesSupport@nuvoton.com
培訓  學習  影片長度 - 11:47
This video will guide users to quickly start developing Nuvoton N9H30 series microcontroller in a non-OS environment, and will demonstrate a GUI design by SEGGER emWin AppWizard tool. This video also shows how to enter the debug mode with J-Link and deploy the AppWizard project to the NuMaker-HMI-N9H30 evaluation board by NuWriter. #emWinAppWizard #MPU #N9H #N9H30 #NonOS #HMI #GUIdesign #QuickStart #NuWriter #JLink #Debug #Basic #Training #Learning #en - For more information, please visit Nuvoton Technology Website: https://bit.ly/3hVdcmC buy now: https://direct.nuvoton.com/ contact us: SalesSupport@nuvoton.com
創新產品  工具  學習  影片長度 - 7:51
影片中介紹新唐科技 MPU N9H30 Linux 與 Non-OS 開發環境建置,以 NuMaker-emWin-RDK-N9H30 為範例,由開發板介紹開始,到BSP與相關軟體下載。 - 新唐科技提供 emWin 開發平台其採用新唐的 N9H30 微處理器系列,此為一套完整的人機顯示介面解決平台,支援最高解析度為 1024 x 768 像素顯示器,因 N9H30 系列採用 ARM926EJ-S 為內核,運行速度達 300 MHz,最高可驅動彩色 1024 x 768 像素並行端口(Parallel Port),內建 TFT LCD 控制器與 2D 圖形加速器,該系列內建最高達 64 MB DDRII SDRAM 記憶體,讓開發者在使用 emWin 軟體時,具備設計彈性。 以下將帶給各位如何將 Linux OS 與 Non-OS code 燒錄至開發板,以 NuMaker-emWin-RDK-N9H30 做示範,這部影片中所有指令與網址都會放在下方影片內容給大家參考,User Manual 相關文件都放在新唐官方網站 https://www.nuvoton.com/products/gui-solution/gui-reference-design/numaker-emwin-rdk-n9h30/ 我們先示範將 Linux OS 建置到 N9H30 開發板,到新唐的 Github 網站 OpenNuvoton 找尋我們所使用的開發板 N9H30 並下載新唐提供的 VMware 映像 https://github.com/OpenNuvoton/MPU-Family VMware 主程式則需要到該公司的官方網站下載: https://www.vmware.com/tw/products/workstation-player/workstation-player-evaluation.html 首先我們開啟 VMware 主程式,找尋我們剛剛下載的 ubuntu_NUC970_980_Linux 資料夾,點選 Ubuntu 64-bit_nuvoton.vmx,點選 Play virtual machine,密碼請輸入 user,第一次打開會需要一點時間,開機完成後打開 Terminal,再來進入 NUC970_Buildroot-master 資料夾 進入資料夾後,我們先更新 Buildroot 工具,輸入以下指令: git reset --hard git pull 更新完成後,進入 dl 資料夾,先將既有的 Linux kernel 與 u-boot 刪除,輸入以下指令: sudo rm -rf linux-master.tar.gz uboot-master.tar.gz 輸入完後,輸入密碼 user 輸入完成後,離開 dl 資料夾,進入 buildroot 資料夾,下 make clean 以上動作只需要在更新時使用,接下來我們要設定開發板的編譯設定,先進入 configs 資料夾找尋開發板名稱,找到名稱後回到 buildroot,輸入 make nuvoton_n9h30_emwin_defconfig 產生 configuration file,設定完成後輸入 make 開始編譯,編譯時間大約為三小時。 編譯完成後,執行以下步驟 1.修改nuc970_evb.h,47~50行 ~$gedit /output/build/uboot-master/include/configs/nuc970_evb.h #define CONFIG_SYS_USE_SPIFLASH /* #define CONFIG_ENV_IS_IN_NAND */ #define CONFIG_ENV_IS_IN_SPI_FLASH 2. 修改uboot configuration ~/output/build/uboot-master$ make menuconfig -> Device Drivers -> SPI Support [*] NUC970/N9H30 SPI driver Select NUC970/N9H30 SPI in Quad mode or Normal mode (Quad mode) ---> -> SPI Flash Support [*] Legacy SPI Flash Interface support [*] SPI flash Bank/Extended address register support [*] Winbond SPI flash support -> Command line interface -> Device access commands [*] sf 3.重新編譯,並重新燒錄 u-boot.bin ~/Buildroot$ make uboot-rebuild 編譯完成後,請將以下兩個檔案複製至 windows 下 /NUC970_Buildroot-master/output/images/uImage /NUC970_Buildroot-master/output/build/uboot-master/u-boot.bin 並且建立記事本 env-nor.txt,內容如下 baudrate=115200 bootdelay=1 stderr=serial stdin=serial stdout=serial setspi=sf probe 0 50000000 loadkernel=sf read 0x7fc0 0x200000 0x600000 bootcmd=run setspi;run loadkernel;bootm 0x7fc0 bootargs=noinitrd root=/dev/mtdblock2 rw rootfstype=jffs2 console=ttyS0 rdinit=/sbin/init mem=32M mtdparts=m25p80:0x200000@0x0(u-boot),0x600000@0x200000(kernel),-(user) ignore_loglevel 再來我們則需要安裝 NuWriter 所需要的相關檔案,NuWriter 是新唐提供的燒錄工具,提供在 PC上使用的軟體及其原始碼,使用者可以依照需求自行開發功能 https://github.com/OpenNuvoton/MPU-Family 下載完成後,打開 NUC970_NuWriter-master,到 Driver 資料夾安裝 WinUSB4NuVCOM.exe,安裝完後,到 NuWriter 資料夾底下的 Release 執行 NuWriter,依據自身開發板,選擇晶片編號,我們要把 Image 燒錄到 SPI Flash, 因此選擇 SPI 這邊需要將開發板的 Power-On Setting 全都撥到 ON 的位置 ,並且按壓一次 Reset 鍵,回到 NuWriter 確認綠燈連結至開發板,如果沒有,請點選 Re-Connect 重新連結,確認完後開始燒錄Image: u-boot.bin 燒錄至 0xe00000 env-nor.txt 燒錄至 0x80000 uImage 燒錄至 0x200000 等燒入完成後將開發板上的 Power Setting 都撥到 OFF 的位置,按壓一次 Reset 鍵,即可開始從SPI-NOR 開機,開機完成後,我們先到 /etc/init.d 底下找尋範例程式 rcS,輸入 chmod 777 rcS 調整權限後,即可在開發板螢幕上看到相關應用,編譯與燒錄程式就到這邊告一段落。 接下來為大家帶來 Non-OS code 編譯與燒錄,請大家先到以下網址下載 MDK-Arm https://www.keil.com/download/product/ 後續再下載新唐提供的 Non-OS BSP 包 https://github.com/OpenNuvoton/MPU-Family BSP 包裡面含有 Keil 詳細的開發環境設定手冊可以參閱,使用 Keil 則需要購買相關的 license,下載安裝完成後,打開 Keil uVision,點選左上角 File,選擇 Open,到剛剛下載的 BSP 包裡面, 依序選擇 BSP、SampleCode、emWin_SimpleDemo、KEIL、emWin_SimpleDemo.uvproj 再來我們點選 Option for Target,點選 Device,選擇 NuMicro ARM9 Database、N9H_series 完成後點選 Rebuild,編譯完成後即會產出 sample code的binary 檔案。 編譯完成後,打開 NuWriter,重新連接開發板,連接完成後,選擇 SPI,依循以下路徑找尋我們剛剛編譯的程式 \N9H30_emWin_Non-OS_BSP_v1.04.000\N9H30_emWin_Non-OS_BSP_v1.04.000\BSP\SampleCode\emWin_SimpleDemo\KEIL\obj\emWin_SimpleDemo_FW070TFT_24BPP.bin 選擇完後,依照畫面設定,並燒錄至 0x0 的位置,燒錄完成後,將 Power-On Setting 改為 SPI 開機,即可在開發板上看到範例程式。 以上是這次的教學影片,後續我們還會為遠端監控功能和一些新的設計做更多介紹,感謝您的收看,歡迎訂閱我們的頻道,如果您想知道更多資訊歡迎聯絡我們! #Basic #Product #Tool #Learning #zh-Hant - 更多產品資訊,請至新唐科技網站 https://bit.ly/3hVdcmC 購買管道:https://direct.nuvoton.com/tw 聯絡我們: SalesSupport@nuvoton.com
前瞻應用  研討會  影片長度 - 1:45
大家好,我是 Joey 今天要為大家 Demo 的是HDMI2.1 4 進 2 出的矩陣解決方案 那這個解決方案主要是使用HDMI2.1 的晶片KM864807 和 M0 MCU來實現的解決方案 這個產品的功能主要是實現4 進 HDMI(2.1) 輸入 跟 2 路 HDMI(2.1) 輸出的端口切換 KM864807 最高可支援 8K@60Hz或 4K@120Hz 的影像 同時全面支援 HDMI2.1 特性,如動態 HDR,VRR 自動低延遲模式 (ALLM) 等 KM864807 內建增強音訊回傳通道 (eARC) 接收器 並且支援 HDMI 音訊剝離和嵌入功能 通過內建 OSD 可在影像內容上,疊加文字及圖像實現菜單功能 同時也內置了獨家演算法的 upscaler 可實現 4 倍或 16 倍圖像放大,比如 Full HD 到 4K 或 8K KM864807 在出廠前已預燒錄了 HDCP 密鑰,可支援 HDCP 1.4 與 2.3 新唐提供完整的參考電路圖和 pcb layout guide以協助客戶快速實現硬體設計 同時提供完整的MCU 完整參考程式代碼,便於進行客製化 藉由新唐的解決方案,客戶可以開發適用於各種應用的HDMI2.1 板本 如 Soundbar,矩陣,切換器以支援 8K 影像 以上就是 HDMI2.1,4 進 2 出矩陣切換的的介紹 謝謝大家 #zh-Hant #Application #Seminar #General - 【2021 Roadshow專區】 精彩內容:https://www.nuvoton.com/roadshow2021 - 更多產品資訊,請至新唐科技網站 https://bit.ly/3hVdcmC 購買管道:https://direct.nuvoton.com/tw 聯絡我們:SalesSupport@nuvoton.com
創新產品  前瞻應用  前瞻應用  學習  影片長度 - 4:14
嗨,大家好我是新唐產品應用工程師 Aaron 今天為各位介紹的是新唐安全微控制開發平台 - NuMaker-IoT-M2354 NuMaker-IoT-M2354 開發板上帶有新唐 - NuMicro M2354 微控制器,採用封裝為 LQFP128。在正式介紹開發平台前,先快速帶領大家了解 NuMicro M2354 的各項特色,M2354 是基於 Arm® Cortex®-M23,新唐最新一代的安全物聯網微控制器,除了 CPU 本身具備的 TrustZone 安全防護功能,讓您在單一 CPU 內實現安全及非安全區的管理。全系列皆帶有 1 MB Flash, 256 KB 的 SRAM,讓使用者更能專注於軟體的開發而不需擔心資源不足的問題。這點在物聯網裝置常需搭配 OS 做開發來說來說,尤為重要。 M2354 提供豐富的周邊,除了基本的 UART, I²C, SPI,更支援 Quad SPI , USB FS OTG, SD Host 以及 CAN BUS,而為了便於物聯網裝置常有的數據顯示需求,M2354 支援了 COM/SEG LCD,多達 320 點的 LCD 驅動器,能夠滿足各種智慧家庭及物聯網應用。 除了豐富周邊,M2354 最大特色就是支援了許多安全功能:Secure boot 提供根信根機制,能確保運行軟體的合法法及完整性,RSA ECC AES SHA 各種加密算法能加速聯網時,所需要的認證及資料加密需求,搭配 key store的使用能將加解密的過程提升到更高的安全層次。 而為了能符合 PSA CertifiedTM Level 3 (物聯網認證標準) 的安全需求,M2354 針對非侵式的攻擊手法也提供了對應的安全防護措施,防止如側信道及故障故入等攻擊。 那緊接著介紹我們今天的主題,NuMaker-IoT-M2354 基於上述的特色及安全規劃,我們認為 M2354 非常適合作為物聯網裝置的開發平台,因此製作了一片開發板,希望能加速使用者孰悉 M2354 的開發及應用。NuMaker-IoT-M2354 搭載 Bosch BME680 環境感測器,能偵測 VOC (揮發性有機物) 氣壓、溫濕度等指數,藉由 MBED OS 開發平台提供的完整連雲範例以及 M2354 支援的各種加密加速器,可實時且安全的將數據送往雲端 (如 Pelion,AWS)。開發者也可同步將數據顯示在 LCD 屏上,新唐BSP 提供完整屏的函示庫做為快速開發使用。 NuMaker-IoT-M2354 平台提供 Wi-Fi 及 LoRa 兩種無線模組,使用者可根據資料傳遞量及功耗表現等需求來決定想採用的無線連接方式,其中需注意的是若使用 LoRa 模組進行連雲開發,則還須搭配新唐推出的 NUC980 LoRa Gateway。NuMaker-IoT-M2354 的 LoRa 模組共支援兩種頻段,分別為 915MHz/433MHz,使用者可在依據開發需求來做選購。 除了提供豐富周邊,為了讓使用者能有更為彈性的開發介面,NuMaker-IoT-M2354 同時支援了 Arduino UNO 及 mikroBUS 兩種擴充應用,若使用者有 NB-IoT 或者 4G-LTE 等連線開發需求,新唐同時也提供這兩種模組的 Arduino UNO 開發板可以與 NuMaker-IoT-M2354 做搭配使用 (Quectel-BG96A for NB-IoT/ Quectel-EC21A for 4G-LTE)。 除此之外,板子上也提供多種電源供應介面及耗電量測介面以及 Nu-link2-Me 燒錄偵錯開發工具,能支援 BSP 透過 Keil IAR GCC 進行開發,也支援 Mbed IDE 開發系統。 以上就是今天為大家所做的介紹,若有任何問題都歡迎與我們聯繫,謝謝。 #zh-Hant #Learning #Intermediate #application - 相關開發工具及購賣連結: ● M2354 Series https://www.nuvoton.com/products/microcontrollers/arm-cortex-m23-mcus/m2354-series/ ● NuMaker-LoRa-NUC980 https://www.nuvoton.com/products/iot-solution/lora-platform/index.html ● NuMaker-M2354 https://direct.nuvoton.com/tw/numaker-m2354 ● Quectel-BG96A https://direct.nuvoton.com/tw/quectel-bg96a ● Quectel-EC21A https://direct.nuvoton.com/tw/quectel-ec21a #zh-Hant #Learning #Basic #Application #Product #Nuvoton #NuMicro #新唐科技 #MCU #微控制器 #M2354 #TrustZone #安全 #物聯網 #NuMaker-IoT-M2354 #IoT #Arm®Cortex®-M23 #M23 - 更多產品資訊,請至新唐科技網站 https://bit.ly/3hVdcmC 購買管道:https://direct.nuvoton.com/tw 聯絡我們: SalesSupport@nuvoton.com
培訓  學習  影片長度 - 5:3
新唐 NuMicro 微控制器家族 SPI 範例程式介紹 - 演示如何透過 SPI 介面來對 SPI Flash 做資料的存取。 【W25Q32 datasheet】 https://www.winbond.com/resource-files/W25Q32JV%20RevI%2005042021%20Plus.pdf #Training #Basic #zh-Hant #Learning - 更多產品資訊,請至新唐科技網站 https://bit.ly/3hVdcmC 購買管道:https://direct.nuvoton.com/tw 聯絡我們:SalesSupport@nuvoton.com
前瞻應用  研討會  影片長度 - 2:51
各位觀眾大家好,今天介紹基於新唐 IC NUC980,以及奧暢雲雲服務所設計的頻外遠端設備管理方案,此方案使用 NUC980,運行 Linux OS,搭配奧暢雲所推出的設備管理系統軟體開發套件,實作出遠端操作設備的應用。 一般來說,伺服器的管理系統中,大致上可分為頻內以及頻外管理,頻內系統是作業系統運行時所使用的網路環境,頻外系統又稱熄燈系統,意思是指頻內的模組,在關機的情況下,我可以透過頻外設備,來對頻內的模組做操作,那大家可以看到以這次的 Demo 範例來說,Chili board 是作為OOB 頻外的模組,頻內模組由 Nvidia Jetson作為頻內的設備,Chili 可以透過外接的,GPIO 與 Jetson 平台的power control 相連接,所以我們可以透過 OOB 的功能,去對頻內的設備做操作,那接下來就讓我來示範如何透過頻外設備管理系統去做遠端設備的操作。 此解決方案使用NUC980 Chili board作為頻外模組,Nvidia Jetson 作為頻內模組,OOB 的 GPIO 與 In Band 的power control pin 相連接,達到控制 IB 開關的功能,頻外模組也外接溫度感測器,定時回報溫度到雲端,透過瀏覽器進入奧暢雲 DMS 服務,可以看到現在 IB跟 OB 都已經上線,那現在就讓我來實際操作一遍。 透過奧暢雲 DMS 的 Portal 介面可以看見不同的 Plugin,每一個 Plugin 為針對 IB或 OB 下的 command,都可透過奧暢雲 SDK針對使用情境來操作,點擊 Chili Control,可以看見從溫度感測器讀回的溫度回報,控制方面,這邊有 Power Cycling,可以透過 Power Cycling去對 In Band Module進行 Power On/Off 的動作,現在讓我來進行 Power Off。 可以透過奧暢雲 DMS 服務中,看見 Command 發送的流程,那現在可以看到 In Band Module,已經被 Out of Band Module power off 掉了,那同樣的我再進行開機的功能,可以看見 In Band Module再次被開機,也可基於此功能新增開關機的排程。 以上是這次頻外遠端設備管理方案的介紹,謝謝大家。 #NUC980 #Seminar #Basic #zh-Hant #Application - 【2021 Roadshow專區】 精彩內容:https://www.nuvoton.com/roadshow2021 - 更多產品資訊,請至新唐科技網站 https://bit.ly/3hVdcmC 購買管道:https://direct.nuvoton.com/tw 聯絡我們:SalesSupport@nuvoton.com
創新產品  前瞻應用  學習  影片長度 - 5:20
Hi everyone, I'm Aaron. The FAE of Nuvoton technology. Today, I'm glad to show you the Nuvoton secure development board, NuMaker-IoT-M2354. The NuMaker-IoT-M2354 is an IoT evaluation board powered by the NuMicro® M2354 series. Before the introduction of NuMaker-IoT-M2354, I will take you to a quick understanding of NuMicro M2354. The M2354 is the latest NuMicro IoT series product which is based on Arm® Cortex®-M23 CPU core technology. The TrustZone® technology based on Armv8-M architecture is a CPU system-wide approach to microcontroller security. The M2354 series carry 1 Mbytes embedded Flash memory and 256 Kbytes SRAM. It's essential for IoT devices with real-time OS requirements. And you can focus on software development without warring about the flash and SRAM resource. The M2354 series is equipped with plenty of peripherals. In addition to providing UART I2C SPI Timer, it also supports the Quad SPI, USB FS OTG, and CAN BUS. Furthermore, to satisfy the IoT device's display development, the M2354 series built-in 8 COM x 40 SEG LCD controller drives up to 320 dots to meet various smart home and IoT appliances. In addition to providing many peripherals, the critical feature of M2354 is supporting many security functions. The secure boot ensures the legality and integrity of the running firmware. The hardware crypto with RSA/ECC/AES/SHA accelerators can help the device connect to the cloud fast and safely. Moreover, the M2354 is equipped with Key Store, which could be used with crypto accelerators to enhance the chip security level. To comply with Arm PSA CertifiedTM Level 3, the M2354 has implemented some countermeasures to protect against non-invasive attacks like side-channel attacks or fault injection attacks. The NuMaker-IoT-M2354 equips a Bosch environmental sensor, BME680, which contains temperature, humidity, barometric pressure, and VOC gas sensing capabilities. After getting data from the sensor, users can send data to the cloud, such as Pelion or AWS, by Mbed OS. Because M2354 supports hardware crypto, the data can be sent more efficiently and safely. The data could be shown on the LCD panel by the LCD library provided in the M2354 BSP. The NuMaker-IoT-M2354 contains a Wi-Fi module and LoRa module for wireless applications. Depending on the data throughput and power consumption, you can choose one of them for your IoT applications. In the LoRa network, each node is not connected but must be connected to the gateway before being linked back to the central host, or data can be transmitted to another node through the central host. For example, if choosing the LoRa module for the cloud development, you could use NUC980 LoRa Gateway for your gateway platform. The NuMaker-IoT-M2354 supports the radio frequency band of the LoRa module on 915MHz and 433MHz, depending on the customer's requirement. In addition to providing the rich peripheral, the NuMaker-IoT-M2354 also equips the Arduino UNO connector and mikroBUS™ connector for flexible applications. Suppose you want to develop other wireless connecting features like 4G-LTE or NB-IoT. In that case, the Nuvoton also provides a UNO-to-PCI adapter board to supports Quectel EC21 4G/LTE and Quectel BG96 NB-IoT modules. The NuMaker-IoT-M2354 also provides multiple power supplies by external power connectors and an ammeter connector that can instantly measure power consumption. In addition, the Nu-link2-Me on the board is a debugger and programmer supporting development on Keil, IAR, GCC, and Mbed IDE. #en #Learning #Basic #Application #Product - Online Purchase Development Tools: ● M2354 Series https://www.nuvoton.com/products/microcontrollers/arm-cortex-m23-mcus/m2354-series/index.html ● NuMaker-LoRa-NUC980 https://www.nuvoton.com/products/iot-solution/lora-platform/ ● NuMaker-M2354 https://direct.nuvoton.com/tw/numaker-m2354 ● Quectel-BG96A https://direct.nuvoton.com/en/quectel-bg96a ● Quectel-EC21A https://direct.nuvoton.com/en/quectel-ec21a - For more information, please visit Nuvoton Technology Website: https://bit.ly/3hVdcmC buy now: https://direct.nuvoton.com/ contact us: SalesSupport@nuvoton.com
創新產品  工具  學習  影片長度 - 8:24
The video introduces Nuvoton's MPU N9H30's development set-up for Linux and Non-OS, taking NuMaker-emWin-RDK-N9H30 for example. Starting from the EVB introduction to BSP and related software downloads. - User manuals and related resource can be downloaded https://www.nuvoton.com/products/gui-solution/gui-reference-design/numaker-emwin-rdk-n9h30/ First, we introduce how to program Linux OS to the N9H30 evaluation board Find the N9H30 evaluation board resource that we used on Nuvoton’s Github and download the VMware Image https://github.com/OpenNuvoton/MPU-Family VMware application can be downloaded from the VMware website https://www.vmware.com/tw/products/workstation-player/workstation-player-evaluation.html First, open the VMware Find the ubuntu_NUC970_980_Linux folder we downloaded Choose Ubuntu 64-bit_nuvoton.vmx Choose Play virtual machine The password is “user” It will take a while to open this application for the first time Open the terminal when the system is ready Enter NUC970_Buildroot-master folder After entering the folder, we need to update the Buildroot tool Enter the command as shown below “git reset –hard” “git pull” After updating, enter the dl folder Remove the original Linux kernel and u-boot Enter the command as shown below “sudo rm -rf linux-master.tar.gz uboot-master.tar.gz” After entering, enter the password “user” Leave the dl folder and enter the Buildroot folder Enter the “make clean” command You don’t need to do these steps unless updating Buildroot tools Now, we set up the evaluation board configuration Enter configs folder to search evaluation board name Back to buildroot after searching Enter “make nuvoton_n9h30_emwin_defconfig” to generate configuration file After finishing these step, enter “make” to compile It will take about three hours to compile After compiling, copy the two files below to windows “/NUC970_Buildroot-master/output/images/uImage” “/NUC970_Buildroot-master/output/build/uboot-master/u-boot.bin” Create text file ”env-nor.txt” The content is shown below: baudrate=115200 bootdelay=1 stderr=serial stdin=serial stdout=serial setspi=sf probe 0 50000000 loadkernel=sf read 0x7fc0 0x200000 0x600000 bootcmd=run setspi;run loadkernel;bootm 0x7fc0 bootargs=noinitrd root=/dev/mtdblock2 rw rootfstype=jffs2 console=ttyS0 rdinit=/sbin/init mem=32M mtdparts=m25p80:0x200000@0x0(u-boot),0x600000@0x200000(kernel),-(user) ignore_loglevel Then, we need to install NuWriter and related file The NuWriter is a programming tool provided by Nuvoton. The NuWriter application and firmware code are open-sourced, and users can add new features or develop new user interfaces per user’s application NuWriter: https://github.com/OpenNuvoton/MPU-Family Open “NUC970_NuWriter-master” Enter Driver folder and install “WinUSB4NuVCOM.exe” Enter /Nuwriter/Release and execute NuWriter Choose IC number based on the evaluation board We need to program Image to SPI Flash, so we choose SPI Here we need to turn the all Power-On Setting to ON Push Reset button Return to NuWriter to check the green light and the connection If it is not connecting, click Re-Connect to reconnect After confirm the connection, start to program Image Program the three files to particular address u-boot.bin program to 0xe00000 env.nor.txt program to 0x80000 uImage program to 0x200000 After programming, turn the Power-On Setting to off Push the Reset button Evaluation board can start to boot from SPI-NOR After booting, we need to find the rcS demo application under/etc/init.d Enter “chmod 777 rcS” to modify the application Now, you can see the application on the evaluation board panel Here, we finish compiling and programming The next topic is how to compile and program Non-OS code First, download MDK-Arm from the link below https://www.keil.com/download/product/ Download the Non-OS BSP provided by Nuvoton https://github.com/OpenNuvoton/MPU-Family The BSP includes Keil environment set up user manual Use Keil need to purchase the related license After downloading, Open Keil uVision Click the File on the upper left and choose Open Go to the BSP that we downloaded choose BSP, SampleCode, emWin_SimpleDemo, KEIL and emWin_SimpleDemo.uvproj Click Option for Target Click Device and choose NuMicro ARM9 Database and N9H_series After setting up, click Rebuild, and it will generate a sample code application which is a binary file Open the NuWriter and connect it to the evaluation board Choose SPI and search the application we built \N9H30_emWin_Non-OS_BSP_v1.04.000\N9H30_emWin_Non-OS_BSP_v1.04.000\BSP\SampleCode\emWin_SimpleDemo\KEIL\obj\emWin_SimpleDemo_FW070TFT_24BPP.bin Follow the setting and program the file to 0x0 After programming, turn the Power-On Setting to boot from SPI You can see the demo application on the evaluation #Basic #Product #Tool #Learning #en - For more information, please visit Nuvoton Technology Website: https://bit.ly/3hVdcmC buy now: https://direct.nuvoton.com/ contact us: SalesSupport@nuvoton.com
創新產品  前瞻應用  網路研討會  影片長度 - 1:14:18
Debriefing of M2354 enhanced MCU security features for Smart Meter applications. You will learn the infrastructure solution, AMI 2.0 smart meter, benefitting from the IoT security microcontroller. The brand new NuMicro M2354 IoT Security microcontroller series inherits the security features of the M2351 that have been Arm PSA Certified™ Level 1, Level 2, and PSA Functional API Certified, M2354 Series endows the microcontrollers used by network-connected devices with the physical level (chip-level) security protection function. It ensures the software and hardware integration system products developed can meet information and communication security requirements for the international mainstream standards. It can also simplify the implementation of regulations-compliant products that require security certification. Simultaneously, it satisfies the development and design requirements of the device itself that requires a low-power operation. - Agenda: • Nuvoton business at a glance • Nuvoton microcontroller ecosystem • A brief introduction to international mainstream IoT security standards • NuMicro M2354 IoT security series • Smart meter solution • Multi-OS and multi-cloud support for IoT node devices • Conclusion - For more information, please visit Nuvoton Technology Website: https://bit.ly/3hVdcmC buy now: https://direct.nuvoton.com/ contact us: SalesSupport@nuvoton.com #Product #Application #Webinar #General #en
培訓  工具  學習  影片長度 - 8:28
Develop with Nuvoton NuMaker-IoT-M487 and Mbed OS to learn various functions. You will learn from this video to use the NuMaker-IoT-M487 development board and Mbed OS to connect to Microsoft Azure IoT Hub service. #Tool #Training #Learning #Intermediate #en - For more information, please visit Nuvoton Technology Website: https://bit.ly/3hVdcmC Buy now: https://bit.ly/3bk0AD8 Contact us: SalesSupport@nuvoton.com
培訓  工具  學習  影片長度 - 1:8
Hello I’m AE Sam at Nuvoton, today we are going to introduce HW design guide of crystal. Crystal is an ultra-low-power oscillator, easily affected by noise, there are five major tips for improving oscillator stability. First, the crystal should be mounted as close as possible to the microcontroller. Second, short oscillator paths & less test point. Third, symmetry between crystal capacitances. Fourth, A guard ring ground around the oscillator path Finally, any high-frequency path should be routed away from the crystal paths and components. That's all for the brief introduction about hardware design guide of crystal, if you need more information, you can contact us, thank you, bye ~ #Tool #Training #Learning #Intermediate #en - For more information, please visit Nuvoton Technology Website: https://bit.ly/3hVdcmC Buy now: https://direct.nuvoton.com/numaker-m251sd Contact us: SalesSupport@nuvoton.com